Tuesday, March 19, 2013

music lesson

future rocker

Doug is teaching Louis how to play the guitar.  I'm glad it's not the drums...no offense to my awesome drummer friends!

annual birthday cake

 My mom sent me a very special birthday cake through the mail like she does every year.  She made and decorated her famous birthday cakes my freshman year at KCAI.  I was so excited, she made it a tradition.  She decorates it, takes a picture, wraps it then mails it from North Dakota.  It is always delicious!!!  thanks mom!!!! 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Will's first haircut

We followed Will's punk rocker hair styling with a bath and a cut.  I'm not very skilled but I think it is silly to pay money to trim what little hair he has. The top was 4 inches long.  I took a bunch off of the back so he would look less like a cockatoo. 

my rocker boy

Seriously Mom?

Will's hair is getting so long it is close to his eyes.  So I gave him a new hair do.  Here is my punk rock boy.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

7 months

Snake Hill

Derek worked hard after the snow to create Snake Hill.
The kids loved it.  What a fun front yard! 

poor Sponge Bob

The kiddos smashed Sponge Bob at Madison's birthday party.  We all kept
waiting for the golf club to slip out of their hands and smash through the car
window.  Luckily Sponge Bob was the only victim.

May the force be with you...

Will held his first light saber over the weekend.  He loved it.
Maybe we should dress him up as Yoda.

Madison's Birthday Card

I suggested Louis drawn an M on Madison's envelope.
He decide to write i luv u too. : )


Will loves to spend time with his big brother!