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Day 1 - hives and puffy eye lids |
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Day 2 - swollen eyes and red mask |
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End of Day 2 - swollen but happy |
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Mid Day 3 - eurythema multiforme rash |
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Day 3 - Children's Mercy |
Day 3 - Children's Mercy |
Day 3 - purple feet |
Will had a rough September. Will started this month with a worsening gag reflex and barfy weekend. At first we thought it was just a reflux and food problem until his big brother came down with the same sour stomach (all over the new carpet) a week later. Will was still fussy so we took him to the DR. We found out that he needed reflux meds and amoxicillin for an ear infection.
A week after the antibiotic I was shocked to find him covered in hives when I picked him up from daycare. Within an hour or two he was starting to swell around his eyes. Doug and I decided to take him to the emergency room. He was remarkably still happy. We stopped the amoxicillin and started up on a steroid.
The next day Will's eyes were almost swollen shut and he had a red mask. We took him to the pediatrician's office. He was still happy and comfortable and I thought he was the worst he would be. Foolish mommy. That night he had a fussy night. I comforted him but didn't realize how much worse he was getting.
Friday morning he woke up purple, swollen from head to foot, and shaking uncontrollably. He was gasping and crying. We jumped into the car and rushed back to the emergency room. The drs there has us transfer to Children's Mercy. On top of the allergic reaction Will developed the eurythema multiforme rash that he had had back in February.
We learned later that his purple skin was the rash. The swollen and puffy body was the allergic reaction. The uncontrollable shaking was the 104 fever. The breathing issues was probably hyperventilating from the discomfort. We spent the day at the hospital. The whole time we were there we were worried that we had over reacted. Then when we took him home that night and he shook for 12 hrs I cried and was worried that we should never have left the hospital.
We learned a lot. Will should never take penicillin. Will is prone to this unusual rash. Will is unusually happy despite discomfort. We still aren't back to his normal sleep through the night behavior. What we wouldn't give for a full night of sleep!
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