Friday, August 21, 2015

The Blue Angels are practicing over our house.

Will's gift from Jakob last Christmas

I took these pictures from our driveway.  I was so excited.  They were practicing for the weekend air show at the downtown airport.  At 4 I walked over to the school to pick up Louis.  It was amazing there.  They were flying in formations of 4 and 5 right over the bus stop.  All of the parents were excited.  All of the kids were playing in the grass...not even looking.  They are so fast it was hard to get them in the frame.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Our trip to Fort Collins to see the Franz's

Ready to go!

Train Time

Will's 3rd Birthday

At the pool.

Who are these funny people?

Post pool.  Will took a nose dive on the pavement.

Happy Birthday to Mr Injury.

A water break on our hike.

Good Lookin Kids!

I carried him...a lot.

Derek and Will

ice cream at the concert


Playing peek-a-boo with Maggie

Game time

Dirty Looks after I said "first date?"

having fun

First Drive-In Movie

a boy and his digger

Mountain View

Louis, Cameron, Madison and Will

Who doesn't love a mountain lion?

Madison on the giant slide.

Cameron on the giant slide.

the kids enjoying the bumper cars

tossing rocks

Estes Park

silly boys

family photo


Stanley Hotel

fart gun madness

Lincoln Nebraska


my first headphones

We had an amazing trip to Fort Collins, Colorado to visit Derek, Maggie, Madison, Cameron and Scottie.  Will actually really warmed up to Scottie.  The first dog he wasn't totally intimidated by.  Don't let the happy car pictures fool you.  I should have taken shots of the crabby and crying 3 year old.  Louis did really well in the car all days. 

We arrived in Fort Collins on Will's 3rd birthday.  Good thing I took a picture of him at lunch.  Hours later he would walk into a brick wall, fall over a ball and the pool, and we think he bumped his eye into the corner of an end table.  So by the time we had cake he looked like he went a few rounds in the ring. 

We had a fun time playing with the kids.  We went on a mile hike Wednesday morning.  It was fun and a good workout.  Will tried to walk but we ended up carrying him most of the way.  Louis said he wished he could go hiking everyday.

We went to an outdoor concert.  Fort Collins had gorgeous perfect nights so it was amazing to be outside.  Will enjoyed his Minion ice cream and playing peek-a-boo with Maggie.  The next night we had a fun evening at the drive in.  Minions was playing.  Full disclosure: I slept in the car with Will most of the movie. 

The last day we enjoyed walking around Estes Park.  It was another beautiful day.  We couldn't have asked for better weather.  The adults had some fun as well.  We played some cards in the evening and enjoyed chatting it up.  We can't wait to make another trip to visit.