We made a trip to the Zoo. The weather was perfect and all of the animals were out and about. Doug and William rode the boat across to Africa while the rest of us rode the skyline. We were excited to learn that the baby giraffe was born on 8/4/12. She and William share the same birthday!
We had a fun day at Deanna Rose. Jakob fed some milk to the goats. Those goats were aggressive. More than one kid was crying as the goats tried to eat their shirts. Jakob enjoyed riding the little John Deere tractors. He didn't know that Grandpa brought one from Langdon. He got to ride one later that day when they went back to the house.
Zombies are popular amongst the Dienhart boys. I think the first movie I watched with Doug in his apartment was a zombie flick. Sundays during part of the year are dedicated to football and The Walking Dead. Then this summer Doug discovered the Plants vs Zombies online game. Apparently it is highly addictive. Now Louis has only P vs Z on the brain. At least he is learning math. Maybe we can talk to his teachers and have them count in suns. Louis know that 4 suns give him $100.
Today I had my first bath. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. I was just trying to figure out what was happening. The best part was getting wrapped up in the turtle towel that Mary and Ron bought me.
Aunt Mary and Uncle Ron visited us in the hospital...twice! They brought us a super present. Ron's taste in technology is awesome. Big Brother Louis likes to watch Will on the video monitor you picked out for us.
Grandma Susan left North Dakota at the crack of dawn on Saturday and made the long 12 hour drive to Kansas to meet Will. She was lucky to be holding him as he filled his first poopy diaper and she happily changed it. Gotta love Grandmas!
Welcome to the outside world William John Dienhart. Mom, Dad and Big Brother were happily surprised to meet Will on Saturday, August 4th at 6:05. Well Louis met him later that day. Everyone needed their sleep...especially the boys. : )